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best flow meter measuring sewage
Electromagnetic flow meters are generally suitable for conductive liquids with conductivity greater than 5 μS/cm, and can measure suspended solids, solid particles, fiber slurry, pulp, mineral slurry,
sewage and chemical conductive liquids. It has high measurement accuracy, large range ratio (up to 1000:1), no pressure loss in the system, many additional functions, and can be installed on any pipeline.
sewage and chemical conductive liquids. It has high measurement accuracy, large range ratio (up to 1000:1), no pressure loss in the system, many additional functions, and can be installed on any pipeline.
In addition, the electromagnetic flowmeter is also suitable for measuring municipal and industrial raw water, tap water, reclaimed water, sewage, and industrial cooling circulating water. It has the characteristics
of online pressure installation and online calibration, which can improve water delivery efficiency and ensure measurement accuracy.
of online pressure installation and online calibration, which can improve water delivery efficiency and ensure measurement accuracy.
If you are now looking for the most suitable flow meter for measuring sewage,welcome to consult winny at any time: sales01@cxflowmeter.com
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