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Micro gear flow meter for hygienic glue
In order to be more uniform when spraying glue, not to cause too much waste and too little to be sticky, our customers choose to use
our micro oval gear flow meter to monitor the glue spray!
our micro oval gear flow meter to monitor the glue spray!
Medium: sanitary glue
Viscosity: 3000CP,
Flow: 10—40ML/MIN
room temperature weak corrosion
Power source: Diaphragm pump
Detection: upper and lower limit alarm detection
The flow is too small, the glue is not sticky, and the flow is too large and wasteful
Equipped with a digital display meter is to test the product qualification rate for better glue spraying effect
Recommended signal CX*-M5-SS
If you want to know more about the selection and quotation of micro spray flowmeter,
please contact winny: sales01@cxflowmeter.com

please contact winny: sales01@cxflowmeter.com

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